The Norwegian fisheries regulation is one of the strictest, most controlled and monitored in the world. The authorities have satellite tracking on all Norwegian fishing boats over 15 meters, an electronic catch diary where everything from departure port, daily catch reports and arrival port must be reported continuously.
In addition, an active coast guard with a large fleet of ships and aircrafts monitors fishing throughout the Norwegian zone. Now they have also started with active use of drones to make video documentation.
In addition, ICCAT have demanded that an international inspector join every boat that fished for tuna due to widespread corruption and fishing fraud in the Mediterranean, where they caught twice the legal quantity.
But as Norway already has the most strict control in the world through its local Fisheries Administration, it has been decided that from 2020 we do no longer need ICCAT’S inspectors. All reporting regarding catches is received by ICCAT through the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries.
Below you can follow our catches, with information and photographs.
101 tuna / 25 tonnes
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16 tuna / 3.8 tonnes
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